Tag Archives: Victor Miller

The Story of Glider 110 – Glider Pilots Fight for the Ponte Grande

The pilots in Glider 110 landed their Waco in the centre of LZ 1, then went on to fight to the finish for the Ponte Grande bridge. Glider: Waco CG-4A number 110, serial no. 73603 (or 73683).Glider carrying: 6 pounder anti-tank … Continue reading

Posted in All Posts, Glider Stories, Operation Ladbroke - Sicily 1943 | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Arnhem & Varsity Sketches by Glider Pilot Victor Miller

Victor Miller’s sketches show us something no photograph can – what it felt like to be in the front seat in a massed glider assault. Glider pilot Staff Sergeant Victor Miller fought in and survived three of the great glider … Continue reading

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Nothing Is Impossible by glider pilot Victor Miller – Book Review

‘Nothing Is Impossible’ is the best account we have of Operation Ladbroke by somebody who was there. Now the second edition greatly expands Victor Miller’s original telling. Review of ‘Nothing is Impossible – A Glider Pilot’s Story of Sicily, Arnhem … Continue reading

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