Tag Archives: Capt Fletcher AFPU

Unpublished shot of a tank on the Ponte Grande

A previously unseen film shows what the heroic defence of the Ponte Grande bridge by British glider troops was all about – tanks and vehicles crossing, headed into Syracuse. This is the remarkable story of how that footage came to be taken. … Continue reading

Posted in All Posts, Operation Ladbroke - Sicily 1943, Photo Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Galpin’s Glider – New photo of Operation Ladbroke’s star landing

Staff Sergeant Dennis Galpin’s glider landing during Operation Ladbroke was famously perfect. But where was it exactly? And is that his glider in the well-known photo? There is a well-known IWM photograph of a Horsa glider taken in Sicily after Operation Ladbroke (see … Continue reading

Posted in All Posts, Battlefield Visits, Glider Stories, Operation Ladbroke - Sicily 1943, Photo Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment